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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Home Learning

Fri 20th March 2020

Have some Fun trying out these simple experiments at home! We don’t get enough time in our busy school days to carry out experiments and investigations. So Year 5, let the fun begin! Keep a record of any experiments or investigations you try and we can talk about them when we return to school.

Paper and water!

Try these experiments to see how different types of paper soak up water.

You will need:

Paper, kitchen paper, thin card, scissors and a bowl of water.


Make a paper flower:
1. Fold a square of paper in half. Then, fold it in half again.
2. Draw a petal shape on the square and cut it out. Open the flower shape.
3. Fold in each petal to the centre. Pour some water into a bowl and place the flower on the water.
4. Watch the petals slowly open as the paper starts to absorb the water.

This is because paper is made of tiny fibres pressed together. As the fibres absorb (soak up) the water, they expand and push the flower petals open.

Repeat this activity using kitchen paper to make your flower.

What do you think will happen this time?
Can you explain why?

Repeat this activity again, using a thin piece of card.
Remember, card is thicker than paper!

What do you expect to happen this time?

  • Hope you had Fun finding out!