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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Year 7

Hi everyone! You are very welcome to our web page. We hope you enjoy finding out all about what we do in Year seven.

We hope that this page will give you a flavour of life in P7.

We're sure that you can't believe that your child is about to begin their final year at Primary School. Over the course of the year they will participate in lots of activities and routines to develop an independence for their own learning and preparations for transitioning to their next school.

Year 7 Teaching Staff:

Mr P Logue

Mr G McCrory

Year 7 Classroom Assistants:

Miss Ligett

Mrs McCrory

Mrs McCrossan



Curriculum Overview



25th Jun 2024
A snapshot of our school funday to celebrate 50 years of St. Conors. 
20th May 2024
Friday 17th May saw St Conor's participate in the annual Mc Donald Soccer sixes Tournament...
21st Mar 2024
More YR 7 photographs from our recent visit to the Ulster American Folk Park 2024.
20th Mar 2024

Latest Photographs


Curriculum Links