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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall

Home Learning

Fri 22nd May 2020

Yr 2 Proposed Learning Schedule for Week beginning 25/05/2020


Mental Maths

Revise quick recall of facts up to 15- 19. Continue to ask facts using language of addition and subtraction. Read aloud some of the word problems in the Mathletics Problem Solving booklet (in your pack) to reinforce the language of addition and subtraction. 

Count on/back within 100. Ask questions like number before/after/between/ 2 more than/10 less than etc

Use the 100 square below to locate numbers from 1-100  eg find 36.... count on 2, count back 3

As last week, continue to reinforce counting on in : 2s to 30    10s to 100        5s to 10

Encourage counting back from 20 in 2’s, count back from 100 in 10’s.

Number stories 16-20

Complete number story for 20

Look at how we can add in different forms e.g. 6 + __ = 20 and vertical addition.

Use materials to help you with your number facts. Doubles,Think of part, part, whole. (see resources in this folder for template)

Use the number line to add on and take away within 20 Remember to start with the bigger number and count on. Also use your knowledge of doubles to add.

Use the NHM check-up book for reinforcing addition and subtraction facts.
Find the Difference Booklet / Subtraction to 10 workbook

Use counters, Lego pieces ( everyday materials at home) to make 2 numbers. Ask the questions “Which number is bigger? How many more?” Find the difference between the numbers. Remind that difference between is another term for subtracting. Record the difference between 2 numbers in this booklet. Reinforce the concept of difference between 2 numbers in the NHM Subtraction book pgs. 28-30. 
I can count to 100 Booklet
Use your 100 square to complete a few pages each day in this booklet.


  • use the number activities to reinforce your learning on number facts, counting within 50 and 100.

First Mental Arithmetic Book – complete 1 page per day.

Pick 2 activities from the Fun Learning book. 



Remember to look at the Project section on MyON andread some books on the topic of People Who Help Us. Check in the Year 2 Website folder for how to access Projects on MyON.


Write about the Picture Workbook. Choose 2 pages this week.

Remember to: - talk to your child about each picture. Write a few creative sentences about the picture.

Let the children have a go sounding out or using word knowledge to record their work. Use the word bank as support. 

Encourage your child to keep a simple diary this week.  On Monday we....     Draw a picture to accompany the writing. At the end of the week, children can read back over their sentences from the past week to recall all the things they did.

Tricky Words

Tricky words this week are does and made  see Tricky Word Book Summer 1 Use the appropriate pages in your workbook. Write sentences for the words.


This week we are reinforcing knowledge of all sounds to date to build longer words. 

Use the ccvc and cvcc word building book to practise building, reading and matching longer words. Use some of the words to make sentences of your own. Remember to include capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. 

Topic Work- People Who Help Us

• Who am I? This week children are encouraged to draw pictures of different kinds of jobs, showing how they help us in the community. Children can write clues for their chosen job and share them with family eg I wear a yellow coat. I have a lollipop stick. I help children cross the road. Who am I ?

Religion- Ascension Thursday.

Read the story and write a sentence for each picture.

Ascension pictures Download