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St Brigid's Primary School, Moyagall


2023/2024 School Year

21st Mar 2024
Today, Y1MK celebrated Downs Syndrome Day. We wore odd socks to celebrate our differences...
21st Mar 2024
More YR 7 photographs from our recent visit to the Ulster American Folk Park 2024.
21st Mar 2024
Today, 21st March, we are celebrating Odd Socks Day! We have been learning all about...
20th Mar 2024
16th Mar 2024
Inspired by William Wordsworth’s poem ‘I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud,’...
11th Mar 2024
As part of their World Around Us topic, Primary 7 pupils visited the Ulster American...
11th Mar 2024
On Thursday 7th March, the children dressed up for World Book Day. Everyone looked...
5th Mar 2024
On February 27th , the Lyric Theatre visited our school with their musical presentation...